Familiar faces skyrim mod
Familiar faces skyrim mod

Some of the pre-installed propiska have specially customized AI packages that extend the behavior of imported characters in accordance with the place of registration.

familiar faces skyrim mod

By default, this will be done by those characters who were not assigned registration during import. They will also be able to try to advance deeper into the dungeon (if they were originally saved there), but will not be able to go through locked doors that they cannot open or unlock (such as those closed by puzzles or dragon claws). Characters friendly to you will be waiting outside the entrance to the dungeon. It is characteristic that the characters will try to do this even in cases where the guild is not open to you in the current playthrough or is hostile to you. Characters with registration in or near guild houses will behave like members of this guild, eat and sleep there, if any free places. The character will walk from store to store, go to neighbors when their doors are open, visit a tavern or temple, if there are any in the place of registration, and sleep if he can find a free bed.

  • Sims will use IdleMarkers, which will provide them with more appropriate behavior depending on where they are registered.
  • Registrations are stored in their own file and are common to all your saved games.
  • Characters may also be assigned to travel from city to city rather than living in one place.
  • This will add the current location as a registration.
  • Additional custom registrations can be created by simply traveling to the desired location and reusing it at the arrival point of the Portal Stone.
  • In other words, the modification gives you the opportunity to create your own - in the full sense of the word - army. Any character can be assigned any registration and, in most cases, one registration can be assigned to several characters at the same time.
  • All imported registrations are available for viewing through the MCM menu.
  • familiar faces skyrim mod

  • The character will be registered where he used the Portal Stone (remembered in his save file), and will appear there (by default) when importing it into another game.
  • familiar faces skyrim mod

  • Replaces the former "Location" item with a system for managing the registration of your heroes when importing them.
  • The mod is highly recommended for people with mental disabilities. To do this, you need to visit the "Sanctuary of Heroes", where you will discover your hypostases from other passages of the game, from other saves. You can take yourself as a companion and a spouse. You can make yourself your opponent and kill yourself. The modification provides an opportunity for the player to create a monument to himself, his beloved and recruit a team of companions, entirely consisting of himself. Game platform: TES V: Skyrim legendary Edition The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Familiar Faces​

    Familiar faces skyrim mod